I have a painting tonight. I had to do it today for some comfort. It has a ton of hidden meaning and emotion on many levels, although I don't think that it really shows, especially if you don't know it's there. For safety's sake it's titled "Hatched Black Copper Marans' Eggs", 6"x6", oil on gessobord, $50. framed. Sold.
I hope that apostrophe is correct.
Lisa's funeral was just tragic. I can't fathom Dolores's pain. She's such a strong woman. My cousin Mimi spoke during the service and really touched my heart. The crowd was overflowing.
I'm going to go to the dark side for a little while and try to process all of this. I know that God will guide me through it and I'll come out on the other side a better person.
It's so frustrating to not know the whys and hows of this. I always feel like I need to understand and know so that I can protect my family, but because the murderer also killed himself, I'll never truly have the answers. I pray that God will give me the peace I need.
Here's a link for you about restraining orders, with other links, there's a lot of the information about the murder-suicide.